Pet carnival held in Egypt to raise animal protection awareness

发布日期:2024-01-16 09:10    点击次数:134

Pet carnival held in Egypt to raise animal protection awareness

A pet beautician trims the hairs of a dog during a pet carnival in Matrouh Governorate, Egypt, Aug. 19, 2023. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)

CAIRO, Aug. 20 (Xinhua) -- In a joyful atmosphere, hundreds of pet lovers gathered in Egypt's Mediterranean North Coast in the Matrouh Governorate for an annual pet carnival.


Aleef is a pet carnival that is usually held in Egypt's capital Cairo. Being the country's largest of its kind, it provides pet lovers and owners a chance to meet experts in pet care, breeding, and nutrition.

"We have been holding this event for 12 years, but this is the first time to organize it in the North Coast, which is a plus for us," said Nadine Hamdy, marketing manager of the carnival.

People holding dogs are pictured during a pet carnival in Matrouh Governorate, Egypt, Aug. 19, 2023. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)


A number of veterinarians, 青铜峡市尊科蚕丝有限公司 pet nutritionists, 青铜峡市洁奥羽毛有限公司 and pet trainers participated in the event, 资源县硫大杂果有限公司 which took place on Saturday. It includes activities of pets medication and training and offers a number of recreational activities for pets,海盐汇通家具有限公司 such as swimming trainings and shows.

Such events would help people better get along with animals, 鹿邑县目现香精有限公司 Hamdy said.

For Adam Kilani, a visitor from neighboring Alexandria Governorate, the event is an unforgettable experience for him, as his five-year-old pet dog Gawaher had learnt to swim for the first time in a year.


"It is a great chance for me to learn about pet care in an amusing way," Kilani said, as he watched his dog swim.



A woman leads her dog during a pet carnival in Matrouh Governorate, Egypt, Aug. 19, 2023. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)

Holding such events, especially in tourist resorts during the summer, will significantly promote the culture of pet ownership in Egypt, said Kilani.

"I have seen people here who have never touched a dog, but they were very happy to play with Gawaher. Some of them said they would love to keep a dog at home soon," Kilani said.


Lina Kamal, who brought her three-year-old dog to the carnival, said the event was important because it raised the issue of stray animals and offered solutions to their plight.

"We should have stronger awareness to protect animals ... this is one of the things that the carnival advocates," said Kamal.  

A man holds an eagle during a pet carnival in Matrouh Governorate干草, Egypt, Aug. 19, 2023. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa)■


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